Top quality TEFL courses in Madrid, Spain

High quality TEFL courses in Spain? A globally recognized certification from our TEFL school in Spain can be your ticket to an exciting and rewarding overseas experience by providing you with the ability to work in Spain and thousands of schools, businesses, and language academies around the world. Get ready and prepare yourself with our TEFL course in Madrid! Become a TEFL teacher abroad and travel the world, immersing yourself into a new culture! TEFL in Spain offers you the perfect blend of teaching and tourism, language and learning, career and culture. By studying a TEFL course in Spain, you get a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel abroad and become a teacher anywhere you desire to go. But unlike a tourist who just waltzes in and out, you get to immerse yourself into this rich and colourful community which is bound to be drastically different from the monotony you are likely confined to at the moment. But this is not just another 9-5 job though.

Otherwise known as the practice and methods behind teaching, developing a proper pedagogy with the help of your TEFL course will help you not only seem, but actually become a pro. Teaching is more than the sharing of knowledge. It’s the act of being receptive to the many styles of learners that you’ll eventually have in front of you. To adapt your methods of transmission to leave no child behind!

Here is the complete TEFL guide, with all you need to know in single post. Teaching English really is a great and high potential self development path! It offers many avenues to freedom, travel, learning, and a fun lifestyle. A CIEE TEFL certificate benefits both you and your students. It’s totally normal and expected to be nervous about moving to a foreign country, standing in front of a class, and teaching a grammar concept that you might not have learned well yourself. Earning a TEFL certificate will put these nerves to resting you the confidence skills you need to rock any teaching position anywhere! Even if you have teaching experience, TEFL is invaluable in preparing you to enter a foreign classroom—because let’s face it, no one really knows what they’re doing until they get there! Discover extra info at

Come to the thriving capital of Madrid and be a TEFL teacher by day, party animal by night. The city of Madrid is renowned for its bustling nightlife and it’s rightly called as the most lively city in the continent. Whether it’s the clubs, pubs, restaurants or sporting event, Madrid has something for everybody and you’d be hard-pressed to stay still for even a single day; there’s just something to do all the time. The weather’s pleasant all year round as well making it one of the most preferred tourist destinations by a mile.

For our spanish guests:

Promedio de 110 puntos en el TOEFL: según el resultado del test, precisamos cuáles son tus fortalezas y debilidades. A partir de éstas, elaboramos un plan de estudio personalizado para garantizar los mejores resultados en poco tiempo. Cursos TOEFL a tu ritmo: tú eliges el horario, si de día o de noche, y cuántas horas dedicarle a la semana. Somos enemigos de las clases eternas e improductivas, por eso nos enfocamos en la eficiencia, frescura y dinamismo de cada clase.

Cursos TOEFL intensivos de verano: Si prefieres dedicarle tiempo a tu preparación durante las vacaciones de verano, ponemos a tu disposición tres modalidades de cursos de TOEFL, para que escojas la que mejor vaya a tu ritmo de estudio. TOEFL súper intensivo: máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 4 horas diarias de lunes a viernes, 20 horas semanales, 2 semanas en total. TOEFL intensivo 1 mes: máximo 5 estudiantes por clase, 2 horas diarias de lunes a viernes, 10 horas por semana, 4 semanas en total. Los mejores profesores Nativos, ya que son todos certificados por el grado más alto en la enseñanza de Inglés. Certificados TEFL y CELTA

Necesitas preparar el examen TOEFL? Prepárate para presentar el examen de TOEFL en Madrid con nuestro equipo de profesores americanos nativos, certificados en la enseñanza del idioma inglés como lengua extranjera, expertos en la aplicación del Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Encontrar extra detalles curso de TOEFL.

Feedback de profesores americanos: los profesores de EXAM Madrid Academy evalúan tu desempeño y te señalan los puntos que debes mejorar para sacar la mejor nota. Acceso online a guías oficiales: todo el material teórico y práctico oficial está disponible para los alumnos en la plataforma online, a la que puedes acceder en cualquier momento. ¡Tú decides cuándo!