Hair transplant in Turkey for french residents

Failure to follow a post hair transplant procedure with the proper care can result in damage to hair and even further loss. The clinic where you have your procedure performed will provide you with tips for grooming, like not washing your hair for 24 to 48 hours after your hair transplantation.

What happens after a hair transplant? Your scalp may be sore, and you may need to take medications following hair transplant surgery, such as: pain medication, antibiotics to reduce your risk of infection, anti-inflammatory medications to keep swelling down. Most people can return to work several days after surgery.

Why hair transplant? Trichotillomania, This is a psychological condition where a person pulls out his/her hair. If excessive hair is lost resulting in bald spots, then you may opt for hair transplant surgery.

Alternatives Hairpieces: These offer a non-surgical means of restoring hair by covering bald areas of the scalp.There is a large variety of means for attaching these. The most common are glue adhesives, “weave” attachments, and clips.

Before surgery your hair should be washed twice a day, two times well. But be careful not to follow the process of hair spa before surgery. A week before hair transplant you should not take hard drugs or any kind of antibiotics and aspirin But of you are undergoing treatment for a serious illness, this should consult the doctor about the course.

Swelling can affect the eye area, so application of cold compressions would help in reducing the swelling by decreasing the blood flow in that region by constricting the tiny blood vessels present in near the eyes. But you should be careful not to apply too much cold also as it may affect the growth of new hair follicles. Avoid any vigorous physical activity as it can increase the swelling and the healing process. It can also cause bursting of the swellings resulting in blood clots and infections.

Extra info regarding transplant de par Turcia. As Esthetic Hair Turkey we know the fact that once you start to lose your hair, it is hard to think about anything else. For this reason, we promise to our clients to provide totally natural outlook and imperceptable outcomes by using the most modern FUE(DHI) hair transplant techniques that will carry you back to looking and feeling the way you used to be-or event better! Ultimately, we will boost your morale and confidence, uplift your mood, change your appearance and renew your vigour. It is the whole package that comes with the new-looking you! Now you can shape your hair, primp or perm it and pamper yourself up! Esthetic Hair Turkey is absolutely the best decision you will make to restore your hairs! Your hair is our business!