Best rated business place and enjoyment in South Korea? Named for the striking blue-tile roofs of its many pavilions and buildings, the Blue House, much like the White House, is the home of the Korean president. The very secure complex of buildings also houses many Korean executive government offices and official meeting sites. It’s an interesting place to visit, as it gives you a behind-the-scenes look at modern Korean government and Korean formal culture. A lot of what you see on the guided tour are meeting rooms and official state reception rooms where foreign dignitaries are welcomed. Hour-long public tours are given, but you need to apply online in advance for a security check. Read more information on
Cakeshop is one of the top clubs in Seoul for a sweet (pun intended) party. Located in the trendy district of Itaewon, this modest-sized club gives off a grungy, ghetto vibe, punctuated by flashy neon signs and colourful graffiti on the walls. While it doesn’t style itself as any specific genre of club, Cakeshop mostly plays R&B and hip hop music. This cosy establishment is usually more popular with young party goers and despite its size, was actually voted the best club in Seoul in 2018! While you may need to spend some time waiting in line due to the low max occupancy limit, trust us when we say it’s totally worth it!
There’s a fine line between fun experimentation and disaster when it comes to karaoke. That’s where greatness lives. A few shots of sake can either give you the courage to nail “Guns and Ships” from Hamilton to everyone’s shock, or make you that guy desperately stumbling through “Paradise ty the Dashboard Light.” Which is why I’ve found that, no matter what else you choose to sing, it’s good to have a song or two you know you can nail. Spend a little time prepping, and you’ll never panic over a karaoke invitation again.
Not your average jimjilbang, this traditional Korean sauna is a luxurious, ladies-only spa frequented by the Gangnam crowd. The pinewood bath area is decorated like an oasis, with a saltwater pool, ginseng, mineral and rose baths as well as a slimming and massage area. Check out the restaurant that serves good-quality Korean food and the juice bar for the health conscious.
If you’re looking to paint the town red in Seoul, we’ve got you covered! Here’s a list of the eight best clubs in Seoul to party at so you can fully experience the excitement of Seoul once the sun sets and the neon lights come on! Before you go out partying, there are a few things you need to take note of. Before choosing a club to party at, you should know that it’s a common rule that ALL foreign visitors need to show their passports to be allowed entry. This is for age verification purposes mostly. That being said, you may also come across clubs that are exclusive to locals. Don’t worry though, most clubs are open to foreigners.
Step into the traditional oak wood sauna of Traditional Korean Bathhouse in Insadong. In this beautifully decorated Korean-style bathhouse, you can treat yourself to a massage, facial, hair scrub and more. Best of all, it won’t even make much of a dent to your wallet! Feel yourself relax as you make your way from the hot tub to the Korean kiln sauna and massage tables. After a day at this jjimjilbang, you can you’ll free as great as skin looks! Whether you’re looking for a little boost of health, a chill place to hangout with friends and family, or looking to pamper yourself with some beauty treatments, this is the place to be!
Warm up your voice before you get up to sing: While others are singing, hum quietly along with the songs. Humming is a great vocal warm up and you’ll be surprised at the difference singing on warmed up vocal chords. There are lots of other vocal warm ups you could do but, let’s face it, you don’t want to be caught singing ‘do-re-me’ in a cubicle… not a good look. Fight fear with humour: Remember, everyone’s there to have fun so you don’t need to take yourself too seriously. The best way to fight fear is with humour and, if all else fails, remember that a person who’s able to laugh at themselves is just as cool as a serious karaoke star… perhaps more so.
For our Korean guests:
집에서 노래방 연습: 노래방 기계가 있다면 좋습니다. 그걸 써! 그렇지 않으면 일반적으로 노래방 트랙과 가사를 온라인에서 찾을 수 있습니다. 목욕, 청소, 운전 중에 노래를 부르면 생각보다 많은 도움이 될 것입니다. 자신의 노래를 녹음하고 다시 들어보세요. 하지만 처음에는 놀라지 마세요. 처음 시작할 때 자신이 노래하는 것을 듣는 것은 항상 이상합니다. 전신거울이나 스마트폰으로 동영상을 촬영한 후 자신을 지켜보세요. 스타일을 연습하고 개선하십시오. 편안하게 연주하세요.
홍삼의 시그니처 트리트먼트로 유명한 SPA 1899는 또한 모든 사람에게 맞는 다양한 스파 패키지의 본고장입니다. 얼굴 마사지, 전신 트리트먼트 등과 같이 신체의 다양한 부분에 초점을 맞춘 트리트먼트 중에서 선택하십시오. 귀하의 요구 사항에 맞는 맞춤형 제품을 확실히 찾을 수 있을 것입니다. 숙련된 테라피스트의 손길로 몸과 마음의 활력을 되찾으세요. 또한 그들의 필수 트리트먼트에는 노화를 늦추고 균형을 잡는 등의 이점이 있다는 것을 알고 안심할 수 있습니다. 이제 이것은 당신이 뒤지고 싶은 내부 및 외부 미용 요법의 종류입니다!
신사동의 강남 지역에서 하루 종일 쇼핑을 한 후 피로를 달래십시오. Spa Lei에서 쇼핑 팔. 대부분의 한국 스파와 달리 Spa Lei는 여성 전용이며 여성 고객을 수용합니다. 몸의 곡선을 따라 곡선을 이루는 돌로 만든 바위 사우나는 특히 휴식을 취하며, 온수 욕조의 마사지 제트는 당신과 당신의 여자 친구가 남은 여행 동안 이 성역에 머물고 싶게 만들 것입니다. 네일 살롱과 파우더룸부터 야외 카페와 보석과 란제리를 판매하는 작은 상점까지 Spa Lei는 뷰티, 피트니스, 건강 및 패션을 하나의 패키지로 제공합니다. 보다 더 세부 이 웹사이트에서 강남미션.
서울에서 도시를 붉게 물들이고 싶다면 저희가 준비했습니다! 해가 지고 네온사인이 켜지면 서울의 설렘을 충분히 경험할 수 있는 서울 최고의 클럽 8곳을 소개합니다! 파티에 나가기 전에 주의해야 할 몇 가지 사항이 있습니다. 파티할 클럽을 선택하기 전에 모든 외국인 방문객은 입장이 허용되기 위해 여권을 제시해야 한다는 것이 일반적인 규칙이라는 것을 알아야 합니다. 이것은 주로 연령 확인을 위한 것입니다. 즉, 현지인 전용 클럽을 만날 수도 있습니다. 하지만 걱정하지 마세요. 대부분의 클럽은 외국인에게 개방되어 있습니다.