Cataract Surgery solutions with Aarti Pandya MD today

Dry Eye recommendations from dr. Aarti Pandya right now: Dr. Pandya was born in New York and raised in the Southeast. She earned her undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and was accepted to the University of North Carolina School of Medicine at the age of 19. After receiving her medical degree from UNC, Dr. Pandya completed an internship training program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and went on to complete her ophthalmology residency training at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. She is certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology. Find extra info on

Cataract vision loss is a life-altering experience that impacts the simplest of everyday activities like driving your car at night or walking around on a bright sunny day. As the eye’s natural lens clouds with cataracts, the world around you can become blurred, distorted and dull. During your cataract surgery screening, we can also discuss the many benefits of insurance coverage (such as Medicare) to help offset the out-of-pocket cost of cataract surgery.

If you are one of the more than 30 million Americans living with diabetes, you’re no doubt aware of the many adverse health issues associated with the metabolic disease. In addition to maintaining general health checkups to manage your diabetes, it’s also imperative that you schedule regular eye exams to check for diabetic retinopathy, a leading cause of vision loss among working-age Americans. Come in today for a simple diabetic retinopathy screening with one of our experienced eye care specialists. The pain-free dilated eye test consists mainly of an examination of your retina and macula to check for abnormalities with your ocular blood vessels and optic nerve, swelling of the retina, and retinal detachment.

Some dry eye cases worsen during allergy season and improve throughout the year. Heavily air conditioned environments (e.g., offices) and springtime allergies can also worsen dry eye. In any case, if you experience constant irritation and other bothersome symptoms from dry eye constantly, we can discuss your treatment options with you. For more severe cases of dry eye, our vision experts may recommend the following: Prescription eye drops (Restasis or Xiidra), which lubricate eyes and reduce inflammation associated with dry eye syndrome; Antibiotics or tear-stimulating drugs; Punctal plugs to prevent tear drainage; Intense pulsed light therapy, a non-surgical procedure to slow the evaporation of tears.

Our glaucoma patients receive the best of care at the hands of our eye care specialists and friendly support staff. If you or a loved one is suffering with glaucoma, we’d like to help. The term “glaucoma” actually refers to a series of eye related conditions, notably open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma. Our surgeons utilize the most advanced laser technologies and surgical procedures designed to treat any variation of glaucoma and help save your vision. The best form of treatment for glaucoma is prevention. If you are over the age of 40 and have any additional glaucoma risk factors, it’s imperative that you get regular eye exams to protect yourself against the silent threat of glaucoma.