Blockchain multiparty network ecosystems applications today by Mary Ann Holder

Who is MaryAnn Holder-Browne and some of her supply chain business networks achievements: How should marketers address those challenges? I think it’s really getting the heart of how people consume the information that they want. We are living in the information era. The digital era of information. With the advent of the internet first in the early 1990s through now. With all the newest latest modes of communications such as YouTube and different parts and pieces of different parameters within communication and content, people are really geared sometimes in one direction, being visual, being auditory, being a reading learner. If you think back on the educational status of someone, sometimes age sometimes the demographics will tell you where they might reside in that spectrum of learning. But, really when you’re consuming data for your organization, it’s you’re on a learning process because you’re looking for the newest and the latest information to help you shine in your position and help make you a better employee, a better partner you know with your suppliers with your organization. Read extra information on MaryAnn Holder-Browne.

Mary Ann Holder is Chief Marketing Officer at One Network Enterprises, a provider of the blockchain-enabled network platform, The Real Time Value Network. Back in 2002, Greg Brady, a supply chain visionary and Ranjit Notani a pioneer in multi-enterprise collaboration technology came to the conclusion that the traditional paradigm of business-to-business collaboration built around enterprise-centric software was fundamentally flawed. Businesses must take an outside-in network view and together serve the end consumer. In May 2003, they acquired Elogex, a cloud-based logistics software company, and founded One Network Enterprises with a vision to create consumer-driven business networks. They developed a network platform that enabled entire business communities to collaborate and work together to serve the consumer. Brady and Notani brought the network way of conducting business just as LinkedIn did so to managing professional contacts. They re-imagined how business software is built, delivered, and used for today’s dynamic and highly inter-connected world.

At its core, blockchain is really a decentralized form of a multiparty network. Modern multiparty networks have been around for a while and have already solved many of the problems that have inhibited blockchain’s adoption. Today, a multiparty network is often used to orchestrate a blockchain network, and thus overcome the limitations of blockchain while enjoying its benefits. Permissioned blockchains attempt to solve this with an access-by-permission-only model as did another “micro-communities” approach that only allowed those parties involved in a particular transaction to have access to a particular blockchain. Operating as an “orchestrator”, the network writes sliced and hashed intersections of multiparty data to blockchain networks like Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric. Once done, all parties can read the verified record on the blockchain, but only the ones they are party to.

MaryAnn Holder about One Network’s Intelligent Control Tower: Supply Chain Control Towers play an essential role in helping businesses successfully make the transition from siloed legacy systems to a collaborative, resilient, real-time digital business network. From visibility and alerting to prescriptive decision support to full AI-based automation, control towers can optimize more widely, precisely, and efficiently than any other technology. This report explains the success factors for an effective control tower strategy and provides a Capabilities Checklist of essential requirements. Read more details on

By allowing the agent to analyze current performance relative to historical data, customers leverage the software to determine the optimal replenishment order. Trading partners can see the forecast that the system publishes, enabling them to better prepare to fulfill the upcoming order. Agents continue to scan inventory levels and incoming demand signals to optimize the next replenishment cycle. “Using intelligent agents, One Network’s advanced network platform includes modular, adaptable solutions for multi-party business processes that help companies realize value and run more efficiently and effectively,” said MaryAnn Holder-Browne, Chief Marketing Officer of One Network. MaryAnn Holder-Browne, Chief Marketing Officer of One Network: “We are thrilled to once again be recognized by Nucleus Research”.

This year is the first time Gartner has published a report on multienterprise supply chain solutions. The report stated,”Networks are not new, but with companies focusing more on having end-to-end (E2E) processes include their external trading partners, these networks are increasing in importance and value. Collecting data and sensing signals in real time, and then coordinating, executing, and resolving issues quickly, will allow companies to operate their supply chains more effectively.”