Taking care of your financial situation is extremely important. Here are some tips regarding finance issues. Student credit cards are those specifically designed for college students with the understanding that these young adults often have little or no credit history. A first-time credit card applicant would generally have an easier time getting approved for a student credit card than another type of credit card. Student credit cards may come with additional perks like rewards or a low-interest rate on balance transfers, but these aren’t the most important features for students looking for their first credit card. Students generally have to be enrolled at an accredited four-year university to be approved for a student credit card.
Obtaining a Payday Loan: Payday loan providers are typically small credit merchants with physical locations that allow onsite credit applications and approval. Some payday loan services may also be available through online lenders. To complete a payday loan application, a borrower must provide paystubs from their employer showing their current levels of income. Payday lenders often base their loan principal on a percentage of the borrower’s predicted short-term income. Many also use a borrower’s wages as collateral. Other factors influencing the loan terms include a borrower’s credit score and credit history, which is obtained from a hard credit pull at the time of application.
Terms: A loan shark is a person who – or an entity that – charges borrowers interest above an established legal rate. Often they are members of organized groups offering short-term loans who use threats of violence for debt collection.
Cash flow: The cycle of money coming into and out of an account according to income/revenue and expenses. Negative cash flow is when expenses fall due before income/revenue is available and the account experiences a shortfall. Positive cash flow is when income/revenue outstrips expenses and there is excess cash in the cycle.
For our finnish readers here is a resource that you might find useful : General finance advisor. Official cash rate (OCR): Defined by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) as an operational target for the implementation of monetary policy. Broadly speaking, it is is used to denote the interest rate which financial institutions pay to borrow or charge to lend funds in the money market on an overnight basis.
Net Income: In its most basic definition, net income refers to a company’s total earnings or profit. Simply put, net income is the difference calculated when subtracting all expenses (including tax expenses) from revenue. When a company’s net income increases, it’s normally a result of either revenue increasing or expenses being slashed. It goes without saying that an increase in net income is generally perceived as a positive thing and factors into a stock’s performance.