Business consulting specializing in Home & Companion Care

Do you want to get business consulting specializing in licensing and certifying DD Group Home? Here are some of the most major and common mistakes that must be avoided by all personal care business owners: You cannot do everything by yourself. Period. Most new business owners don’t understand that every single individual has limited time and energy. Your primary job must be to supervise over your company, and watch it grow, with a bird’s-eye-view. It is best to start hiring at the very beginning, to upscale your productivity. You can even outsource jobs, if you want to save on capital in the first few months. But, refrain from doing everything by yourself.

Personal care is not quite a household name yet, but it is getting there. These services include; adult day care, healthcare, private home care, group homes, and a host of other skilled-based business models.Having said that, most citizens in the USA underestimate the emphatically beneficial effect personal care businesses have on our lives. This scenario is changing for the better now. By 2030, chances that healthcare services will be in huge demand are more likely than now. Consider these reasons supporting this perspective: As mentioned before, the spike in the rate of the population, as per the latest census, will see a drastic increase in the older adult population, than the young ones. With so many adults to look after,and limited people working for them, the advancement and expansion of personal care services is bound to happen.

Entails obtaining a verbal quote for your project. Verbal quotes are provided only after Step 1 and 2 have been completed. Entails entering a written contractual agreement with DMV Consulting Group. Afterwards, you should be prepared to place a down payment on your project and begin working. Read extra details at

Get expert advice on your application & checklist item readiness or interpreting rules and meaning of certain standards for your group home, home or companion care or personal care agency application. This policy & procedure review allows 2 to 3 of our team members to review a set of up to 12 checklist related administrative or clinical policies for compliance determination.

Assisted Living Facility Consult $165/1-Hour, This single member consultation entail a 1-hour consultation via phone or Skype to discuss licensing, certification and start-up requirements for as Assisted Living Home in any state. Understanding CCSP , The Road to CRA/CLA in GA $250/1-Hour, This consultation entails a 1-hour discussion via phone or Skype on the process of transitioning From CCSP to the NOW/COMP Waiver Programs in Georgia.

Projecting the size and structure, regarding age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin, of the older population, is essential to public and private interests, both socially and economically. The anticipated growth of the older people (a.k.a. Baby Boomers) is real. In the United States, it is projected that by 2030,approximately 20% of our population will be aged 65 and older – presenting challenges to policymakers and programs, including Social Security and Medicare. It will also affect families, industries, and healthcare providers. The statistics, by itself, characterizes a present and future demand for personal care businesses, of all types. This, in part, may also explain why nurses and other healthcare professionals are our primary clientele.