Minerals for horses tricks and premium online stores? Is your horse receiving the full spectrum of nutrients needed for optimum health and performance? Though we all want to provide our horses the best possible feed and nutrition, sometimes they still experience deficits that cause negative health consequences. Dr. Sarah L. Ralston at Rutgers University said, “Nutrition is frequently implicated as a cause of disease or poor performance of horses,” and deficiencies can result in clinical problems. Here, we’ll learn about vitamin and mineral nutrient deficiencies in horses, what causes them, associated symptoms, and how to resolve deficiencies. But first, what are nutrients and how do horses obtain their daily store?
Further electrolyte supplementation is also necessary when large quantities need to be replenished. An electrolyte should be given in addition to daily salt rations and is indicated whenever a horse experiences prolonged or repeated sweating. Important: If you’re feeding an electrolyte in water, never add it to your horse’s only water supply. Always provide a separate fresh water source. Now that you know the importance of electrolytes, how do you choose a supplement that’s best for your horse? Look for these three important factors when selecting an electrolyte: High salt content. Sodium and chloride (salt) and potassium should be the main ingredients. Low sugar content. Sugar should not be the main ingredient. Electrolyte supplements shouldn’t contain more than 15% sugar. Isotonic to sweat. An isotonic supplement provides electrolytes in similar concentrations as sweat. According to this PubMed article, an isotonic sweat-like electrolyte is the best solution to rapidly restore fluid and plasma electrolyte imbalance in horses. See additional information on https://blog.redmondequine.com/garlic-for-horses-which-form-is-best.
On the topic of safety, riding with friends is always a smart decision. Group riding is safer and often more fun. Your horse will also appreciate the company of a few extra friends on the trail. And speaking of trails… Keeping to marked, well-used paths is especially important. Avoid riding off-trail in wintertime, in secluded areas, or through heavy snow where hazards like limbs, rocks, or debris may be hidden. And remember, plodding through deep snow is strenuous for your horse. You want to avoid working her too hard or getting her too sweaty before heading back to the barn. Which leads us to cooling down.
All horses need salt and minerals in their diet. They’re necessary to regulate fluids, combat dehydration, and maintain nerve health and muscle contraction. Salt is also essential to triggering your horse to drink. For these reasons and more, horses should always have access to a quality mineral salt lick. Which Mineral Salt Lick is Best for my Horse? There are a lot of horse licks out there. So which is best? Should you choose a mineralized pressed block or a natural mineral rock? And since we’re talking mineral rocks, is Himalayan rock or Redmond Rock better? Is there really a difference? Let’s talk about horse blocks and salt rocks, and why we believe Redmond Rock is the absolute best source of salt, minerals, and electrolytes available for horses.
Temperature: Some like it hot, and some not. Horses like their water tepid–not too hot or cold. This article in The Horse noted research indicates horses prefer lukewarm (68°F) water, especially during cold weather. Acidity. Water acidity affects palatability. According to Kentucky Equine Research, a University of Guelph study found horses are more likely to drink water with a pH of 7.5 (slightly alkaline) than water with acidic levels. Dirty. Unclean or stagnant water can be a floating Petri dish of bacteria and algae. Horses sense when a potential intestinal problem is lurking in murky water and will avoid it. Discover extra information at https://redmondequine.com/.