Safety products provider reviews regarding usStandardProducts New Jersey

Best rated construction products company? At U.S. Standard Products, we only provide certified products that adhere to very high standards of performance. All of our Green products have undergone extensive laboratory and field testing to meet an internal Safer and Superior New Product Standard. This ensures that our products perform as well as or better than the more toxic traditional products. You’ll never have to compromise on performance to realize the benefits of using our eco-friendly products. Read additional information at us standard products PPE.

Throughout a broad cross-section of industries, everything we sell to our clients and customers passes through our rigorous testing system to make certain that everything is among the finest and most cost efficient options available anywhere. Quality is the unifying signature in all that is recommended and delivered by U.S. Standard. At U.S. Standard Products, we believe that every worker has the right to a safe work environment. We are committed to ensuring workplace safety through all of our equipment. From gloves to glasses and every garment in between, we use the latest technology in safety offerings for a broad cross-section of industries.

With our reputation being so important to us and our high standards for US Standard Products safety equipment, we would like to ensure all of our current and future clients that we are legitimate. What is US Standard Products? US Standard Products is a supplier of safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) for American businesses. The company is headquartered in Englewood, New Jersey and it has grown to be one of the leading names for workplace safety and PPE equipment. The company has been in the work safety industry for decades.

Workplace injuries and illnesses can take a severe toll on the profitability and performance of companies both large and small. Companies in high population areas like Chelsea are especially vulnerable to these losses. In New York State in 2017, there were 203,100 recordable cases of nonfatal occupational injuries and illnesses. These problems affected up to 2.8 percent of all employees, including state and local government. This figure is down by 0.7 percent since 2007, but more work is necessary to reduce the incidence of workplace-related injuries. One of the riskiest activities in the workplace is working with tools. Using the incorrect tool for the job can lead to problems. People need to be fully trained with the tools they are using, and they need to use safety equipment like gloves and goggles for maximum benefit.

OSHA, the Federal Occupation, Safety, and Health Administration of the United States Department of Labor, regulates the use of personal protective equipment for many different occupations. Some of the conditions that require this equipment are eye and face protection, noise exposure, hazardous waste, fire protection, ventilation, and respiratory protection. Head protection, foot protection, and electrical protective equipment are also important. One of the most serious causes of workplace injury and death in the United States is from falls and being crushed by objects or in small spaces. For employees with a risk of falling, protective equipment is necessary. Employees also need to be properly trained and equipped to work in confined spaces.