A new and extremely simple way to organize your software processes

A modern and extremely simple way to organize your software specifications, a new online software solution for organizing software specifications. This days software programming has become an extremly complicated thing to organize. Let’s start with the basics: The markdown feature in Docstell is very convenient to use. When a text block is inserted in to […]

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Caller ID and spam blocking application

Marketing advertising on phones has raised to new levels in 2019. Every day you get call from someone that wants to sell you something. Here is why you want a callerID iPhone app. What call ID apps are working right now? After looking them we will introduce you to one of the newest application, MiCaller. […]

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Blockchain software outsourcing

The internet transformed totally the way we do things and communicate. Do you want a software solution ? No need to build your own software development firm, you can outsource the job! What is outsourcing ? Outsourcing is a business practice in which services or job functions are farmed out to a third party. In […]

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Bitcoin Locker for links

Cryptocurrency is becoming very popular, with practically crypto applications for every industry. Do you want to protect your content, files, apps online ? Do you want to earn cryptocurrency for downloads? We will talk about Bitcoin Locker for content and what are the best options for a crypto locker. Let’s start with the basics : […]

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Buy business spreadsheets online

Looking for a spreadsheet solution for a work issue? Here are a good amount of Excel tips: Excel 2007 introduced a major new feature: Excel Tables. When you set up an Excel Table (or just “Table”) Excel names each column of data automatically. Also, when you add adjacent rows or columns to a Table, Excel […]

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Award-winning Mac Data Recovery Freeware

If you are unable to boot up your Mac in order to try any of our suggestions in the story lined to above, your next port of call is a data recovery app. Luckily there are a few options here, some of which have trial versions that may be able to recover some files, and […]

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Full stack development and technology researchers

Full-Stack Web Development, according to the Stack Overflow 2016 Developer Survey, is the most popular developer occupation today. Its no wonder then that there are dozens of online and in-person programs that will help people become Full-Stack Developers and then even assist these new developers land high-paying programming jobs. Some popular online programs can be […]

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Blockchain Consulting Services

A blockchain is a database with user-distributed validation. If youve ever heard of Bitcoin, youve seen one of blockchains biggest current applications. Through our workshop, youll develop a deep understanding of how blockchain works and why developers are becoming so interested in the technology. Well start by reviewing current blockchain-based models such as cryptocurrency, business […]

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