PassYourChallenge FOREX FTMO challenge test passing software firm

PassYourChallenge FOREX FTMO challenge test passing software company? If you have already failed an FTMO challenge before, or you’re simply scared because the failure rate is so high, worry no more… You will get access to our automated trading system that will literally pass the FTMO challenge for you without lifting a finger! We currently have a 91% success rate and have helped over 3000 traders get their hands on a fully funded FTMO account, which brings them one step closer to financial freedom! Discover extra information at PassYourChallenge.

PassYourChallenge on trading practices (especially FOREX) : The strongest signals are obtained when the average crosses the faster one: from bottom to top – the CALL option, from top to bottom – PUT. But a rebound from the “long” average in the direction of the main trend is also considered as a trading signal. When calculating expiration time of an option on the Moving Average combination, you need to view a history of quotations (on timeframe period) and analyze moments of crossing lines of such averages for a long period (at least 3-6 months). You need to find an average number of candles between the intersection points that were in a profitable area for the transaction.

Practice makes perfect: Like any new learned skill, there is somewhat of a learning curve. But also, with any new learned skill – practice makes perfect! They key to becoming a great trader is consistency and practice. Luckily, Forex Smart Trade offers you a demo account where you can practice making your own trades without the risk. This is a great way for you to get into the swing of the whole trading process, without the stress of your money on the line. New traders enjoy this feature because it helps them conceptualize the process of trading, as well as put it into action in a low-risk setting. Practicing the trading process before funding your own investments is very important, especially if you want to minimize potential losses. Practicing is also a great way to also familiarize yourself with specific terminology, softwares, charts, currency rates, and more. Another great way to familiarize yourself with Forex and the entire process, is to seek out blogs and videos of Forex professionals to learn about strategic tips. Luckily for you, Forex Smart Trade offers blogs, videos, and testimonials for you to look through and learn from right here on our site!

PassYourChallenge onintraday FOREX trading : Intraday trading is speculative, so the financial instruments are mostly currency pairs. Stock and commodity CFDs are more suitable for long-term strategies where a trade is kept in the market for 3-5 days. On the other hand, cryptocurrencies are an ideal tool for intraday trading: scalping with them is not profitable due to large margin, while long-term trade carries unjustified risks. And the volatility of 3-5-10% per day bodes quite well for forward-thinking traders.

PassYourChallenge regarding FOREX robots : A forex robot is only as good as its developers. Take time to research the different aspects of the robot-like the expertise of its development team, past performance, and its reliability in relation to acquisition costs. As the name suggests, Algo Signals is an online service that provides forex and cryptocurrency signals. The platform claims to make an average daily return of 2%, which is huge. What we really like about these bold claims is that the provider allows you to test-drive its signals via its demo account facility. This allows you to validate the integrity of the trading suggestions prior to risking your own capital.